- Working so hard to do everything. This last semester is a doozy.
- Noticing my depression one day, holding my hand, and trying to talk me through it.
- Coming home and making dinner on the nights when I just can't or don't want to do it. You never complain.
- Going to a study group on Valentines Day then showing up a few minutes later with flowers and chocolates. Your stuff was cancelled so you grabbed something for me on your way home.
- Having a company contact you and ask you to apply for a job they posted.
- Dropping you off for school in the morning and seeing you hold the door open for everyone. You were there for quite a while and waited for anyone you saw that was on their way into school. You even did it one day after I told you to hurry because you would be late.
- Told you boys to get in the car so we could get to school and not be late. You asked, "But what about prayers?" Thanks for remembering the family prayer.
- Asking for "suspensers" instead of a belt.
- After finding out she was sick, "I'm sorry you're sick Poppie. It's no fun feeling like you're going to throw up, huh?"
- I loved going to your parent/teacher conference. You have straight As and your teacher loves having you in his class. He is amazed at how smart you are.
- "Mom do you know what a slope it?"
- You were in bed and asleep and heard Pip crying in her room above you. You told her "Pip. Pip. It's okay." Then sang "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "ABCs," and "Adam was a Prophet [Follow the Prophet]" to calm her down. I'm pretty sure you were asleep during all this.
- Everyone was playing outside one day and Romeo and Poppie had taken off. You went inside and grabbed some princesses for you to play with Pip. You even started talking in a high-pitched voice to make the princesses talk to her.
- "Mom you know how some kids say, like if there's a show called 'Gladiator Transformers' they'll say 'gladiator transformers is the best thing ever!'? Isn't that stupid? Being alive is the best thing ever."
- "Please bless the food that we don't choke and if we do choke that we will stop choking before we die."
- You- "Mommy." Me- "What?" You- "I love you." All. the. time.
- Poppie didn't want to wear the dress that I had picked out for her for church and I asked you to tell her it was pretty. You were up for the task. "Poppie! Look how pretty this dress is! Don't you want to wear it? You should put it on!" It worked. Thanks, Bud!
- Volunteering to do dishes. I love it! Once you volunteered to load the dishwasher when I gave you and Mac a choice of loading or unloading. All the other times you just tell me you'll do the dishes for me.
- You had extra valentines after you got them ready for your class. You wanted to give one to the principal and one to Miss Nancy, the secretary.
- Randomly coming up to me and giving me hugs. Sometimes you have really bad timing but I will take it while it lasts.
- "Please bless that the food will spankin' our bodies." You've recently stopped saying this. I'm going to miss it.
- Making a bracelet for Pip during After School Club
- Giving me a plastic ring from ASC. You always are finding jewelry and flowers to give to me.
- Always drawing pictures to give to me at school, church, or just at home.
- After seeing the stripes Poppie had drawn on her arms, "If you think you're a tiger, you're not!" You were very serious about it.
- "I'm a cow-man." Not a cowboy.
- I sat next you at dinner one night and after thanking me for making dinner you sat and patted and rubbed my back.
- Tucking you in one night and out of nowhere you declared, "Thanks, Mom. You're the best!"
- "Mom, don't even think about it."
- During nap time informing me, "Mom, you can snore however you want." You then proceeded to fake snore in order to prove your point.
- After getting scolded- "Mom, when I started crying you broke my heart."
- Playing with the stuffed animals while we waited at the pharmacy- "These are lovely things."
- Asking you sister "Pip is there anything I can help you with?"
- Naming a stuffed lion you found "Tiger the Tiger Likes Me"
- Elephant=ephelint
- I didn't get your sheets dried in time for bed so I grabbed a different (plain white) pillowcase. You looked at me and with an air of disgust said, "a colored [read: plain] one?"
- "Mom, look. I can speak wolf. Aaaaooooooo!"
- Pip was standing on the bathroom stool and you needed to wash your hands. I told you to wait so I could help you but you picked her up, set her on the ground, and stood up on the stool in front of her. You had packed your toys in your backpack and had it on. Pip hit your backpack a couple of times and you said, "It's not a doorknob, it's a backpack!"
- Before we read scriptures I always ask what has been happening. Your response? "They were going to drink some blood!" Every night. For about 2-3 weeks. At least you're picking up something.
- You always want to give a hug and a squeeze and a kiss.
- One night you squeezed me so tight you tooted. You thought it was the funniest thing ever.
- "Ummm, ye-ah." Said with all the sass you can muster. It's even more funny because you don't even realize you're giving attitude, it's just your typical response.
- pretzels=prencils (like pencils)
- Cuddling in bed with Daddy and me one morning. After climbing in to bed with us and getting comfortable you started singing "Families Can Be Together Forever."
- You love to zerbert your sister when she is getting her diaper changed, especially if she is crying.
- We headed to Hobby Lobby one day and after seeing the Rs on the front of the building you excitedly said "It has an 'R' for [your name]. It has lots of Rs. That means I can go in there. Can I please, Mom? Can I go in?"
- "Mom, look. I have a new phone for you. You can use it and Dad won't be an idiot on it."
- "Mom, Romeo is not letting his big-sister-four-year-old do it!" Mac piped in with "You're not his big sister." You would have none of it. "Yes! I'm four!"
- "I wanted my own chapstick so I took yours. I should have told you before I took it, huh? But now I told you so I can keep it, right?"
- "I have a surprise for you, come see. Surprise, surprise! Open up your sunshine eyes!" Where did that even come from?
- Calling windshield wipers "wind wipers"
- After trying to get you ready for the blessing for lunch and getting a little frustrated you asked, "Mom, what comes after 4?" "Fold your arms." "Fold your arms comes after 4? 1 2 3 4. . .fold your arms."
- Singing "Adam was a prophet, first one that we know. In a place called Enid..."
- "For lunch I want prenzils, and Cheetos, and fruit snacks, and marshmallows."
- After getting in trouble for something, "I'm sorry Mommy. I should have asked first, huh? Are you still going to hold me?"
- "I want to think downstairs."
- "Dear, Hedda Faddur."
- "I was going to throw up but I had my mouth closed like this and it bounce-did back!"
- "I'm as brave as a knight. Except if I don't have a night light in my room."
- You were walking around outside on a windy day with your mouth open and explained "I want to get the wind in my mouth 'cause I don't have enough air in my mouth."
- "Please bless that the food will make us super duper super duper duper duper super super duper duper super healthy and strong." That's pretty important but you prayed this at bedtime.
- Sometimes when I ask you if you have done something or if you will do something you give me a thumbs up and a smile.
- Most days I'll put Pip down for a nap then have you get in my bed with me so you can sleep. One day you were going through Daddy's pillows and as you would throw them off the bed you would say, "You're not fluffy. You're not fluffy. . .you're fluffy!"
- You found Pip's blanket instead of getting into bed one night and told me "I was just sniffing it out with my sniffer nose. That's what my nose is called. Sniffer."
- We went to the rodeo and you called it a hoedown. When we called Nonnie and Papa to tell them about it the next day I asked you where we had gone and you called it a hootenanny.
- "You're breaking Jesus' heart!" said to your brother when he was picking on you.
- "Please bless that Jesus and Santa will love one another."
- I asked you all to keep Brother and Sister G in your prayers because their baby boy had died. You said the blessing on the food and immediately asked if you could say another prayer because you had forgotten to pray for Brother and Sister G.
- You had a nightmare and I went to check on you. You were still asleep and told me, "Mom I want to be myself but I only have this sleeping power." Okay.
- I told you something you didn't like and you replied with "You're making Jesus sad!"
- Animals= amamals
- Supposed to= appose-to
- Papa told you you don't know how to spell your name. "Yes I do! Errr-ay-gan!" Take that, Papa!
- You kept asking to take a bath one day and I couldn't figure out why. You wanted to wear your swimsuit we had gotten the day before.
- Sitting right outside the bathroom door and leaning against it. As soon as I opened the door you immediately walked in to the bathroom and sat down on the floor so you could be with me.
- At bed or naptime I give you a binky and stand next to your crib. You always turn your head and put it on my shoulder. Usually you do it without me saying anything but if you forget I tell you to "Go night-night" and you immediately assume the position.
- When I put you in your crib you always roll onto your left side and wrap your arm (and sometimes arms) around your stuffed animal.
- You love to go stand in the dog cage, grab the bars, and look out at us.
- You are the only one the dog always tolerates. You love to climb all over him and lie down on him.
- Teething! You are FINALLY getting your third tooth. You're only 16 1/2 months old.
- Me- "Pip, say 'Mommy'." You- "Puppy!"
- Bringing you to bed with Daddy and me one night while you're teething. While trying to get comfortable and flopping all over you smacked me in the face. It even made a "smack" sound. One minute we're both relaxing and I think you're finally falling asleep again, then "SMACK!"
- Puppy=puppa, bye-bye, Mommy, uh-oh, hi, cookie. You have all the important words down.
- Saying "hi" back and forth with me
- I've been changing your diaper on your bedroom floor lately. A few times I've said something about let's go change your bum. You follow me into your room and sit on the floor patiently waiting for me to get your clean diaper and lay you down.
- Whenever I ask you for kisses I always say "thank you" after receiving them. One day I asked you for kisses and you gave me your cheek to kiss and said "thank you." The only way I knew what you said is because you used the exact same inflection that I use when I say it to you.
- When you take a shower with me you always sit right at my feet no matter how much I move around. You move right along with me.
- I asked you for a kiss and gave you my cheek to kiss as you moved in. You kept moving your head around so you could kiss me on the lips.
- Every night when I check on you before I go to bed you are curled up with your legs tucked under you, bum in the air, and on top of your blankets.
- One day for lunch I was getting your food and you pointed on your tray where you wanted me to put everything.
- Calling to you in the house. I didn't know where you had gone. I called your name and heard a tiny knock. You had gone into your room, shut the door, and couldn't get out.
- You look so cute in your nightgown. You looked even cuter wearing your sister's old 3T nightgown. It went down to your ankles and you loved it.
- One day while I was getting breakfast ready you weaseled your way between my legs and the counter, pushed on my legs to push me backwards,pushed me back again then stood there with your arms raised straight so I would pick you up. It worked.
- Every animal that you play with growls.
- Every animal you see is a puppy. You repeat it over and over and are so excited to see whatever the puppy is.
- You love to say "hi" to yourself when I hold you in front of the mirror. Over and over again.
- If we smell something we'll ask you if you're poopy. You nod your head and you look like you're going to fall over because you do it with such force!