- "I'm really good at being bad then turning it around."
- Pip got hurt and we both reached out to her. She walked right by me so you could give her a hug.
- When we went bowling your name was Wild Beast.
- On your birthday Aunt Nette asked how old you were. You said "Nine. No twelve because of all the years I spent in Heaven."
- "Gaze. Like I gazed upon the sea yesterday."
- "You know how, like, I'm never scared. . ."says the boy who slept in my bed the night before because he had a nightmare.
- "Mom! I literally just ripped a hole in the space time continuum!"
- Romeo asked you Are you thinking what I'm thinking? "I don't know. What are you thinking?"
- Genius World Record
- Telling Poppie "You have boobs. He has nipples!"
- Poppie was singing 'Old McDonald had a Farm' and was singing about a pig. You piped in and started singing ". . . but the pig wouldn't listen so he had to kill it. 'Fine I will listen' but it was too late. . .so he had to sell his farm but no one would buy it. Except an old lady. . .Who said 'this will be a nice home'. . . Then the zombie pig came back. . ."
- You started your Christmas list on August 12
- We were at a restaurant and they had MMA on the t.v. You asked if it was boxing. I said it was like boxing but they hit and kick and don't stop. "Oh. So it's like brawling?"
- Your bowling name was Yoda and you got a strike on your very first frame. It was the only strike anyone got.
- "I stand corrected."
- "scabenger hunt"
- Poppie was wearing some new clothes and asked you if she looked so pretty. "Yes. I mean no. You look pretty but not so pretty. Not like if you walk into school and a boy is going to fall in love with you. Not that pretty."
- "Please bless that there won't be an earthquake or a tornado or fire."
- "Please bless that we won't be mean to people or hit or punch them."
- Every time I say Annette you ask "you mean 'uh'-nette?"
- At scouts one day "He actually has a fat belly like Papa."
- "Oh, he's running. How politeful."
- Mac told you he was smarter than you. You responded with "You're smarter at being bad!"
- "Mac, wait! Listen to me! Don't talk. . ."
- "I don't think rabbits ice skate. I think they just skate."
- "They're called 'scare crows' 'cause when they're scared they're scared crows."
- "Romeo you're really funny. Or should I say weird?"
- Nonnie said you got Doritos and you said "I didn't get Doritos. I got chips."
- When we went bowling your name was Rainbow Dash. And you won! You beat both your brothers 82-86-90.
- You started giving high fives then turning around, putting your hands behind your back at your waist, and trying to high five again.
- While singing 'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man' you sang "The flies came up and the rains came down."
- "Mom! A bird is dead on our roof. Not the garage, the one with the beds."
- Romeo said "I'm a rookie" and you responded with "I'm a Ricky!"
- While poking my boob "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy"
- "Undershirts are the best." Why? "Because. They're the best." Okay, then.
- Singing "He's making a list and checking it twice so forget about good behavior."
- hippopotamus= hippo-o-potomus or hippo-apotamus
- I told you my arm was asleep and you asked "So we have to be quiet?"
- "Princess Luna is so, a, butthole because she is really Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Shimmer is mean."
- After I told you "bless you" you told me "That was a sneeze-cough. You don't have to say 'bless you' if it's a sneeze-cough."
- All you kids had balloons and Daddy told you all to give them to him. You asked, "Even me? Even your Babycakes?"
- You didn't want to get wet while walking to the car when it was raining so you grabbed a crumpled up sheet and put it on your head.
- I told you Come on Sweetheart. and you said, "You mean honey? I'm a 'honey.'"
- After I told you to do something, "I don't understand you. I'm a penguin."
- I went to check on you and tuck you in before I went to bed and you yelled out in your sleep "I wanna give you a hug and a squeeze and a kiss!"
- Matter-of-factly while playing Mario "Oh. If you touch the lava you die."
- I wanted you to do something and said thanks for listening to encourage you to do what I asked. You told me, "But I'm not listening."
- "You're so smart. . .well, usually."
- "You can eat without a mouth. You just have to take one of your eyeballs out and then put the food in there then glue the eyeball back where it was."
- Daddy was lying down on me and you were sitting on top of him. Daddy put my arm around him and you got mad at me. You hit my arm until I moved it.
- I put you to bed and tucked you in then went to Poppie and got my "hug and a squeeze and a kiss." You started saying something over and over and stood up. I didn't know what you were saying but when I walked over to you you took out your binkie and puckered up.
- I was holding you in front of a mirror and I puckered up. You turned to give me a kiss. I did it again and you looked in the mirror and puckered up and said "mmmma" and kissed me over and over again.
- You love to taunt "Catch me, , , " I love that you say it that way in stead of "Can't catch me!"
- "You stop!"
- You refuse help with a spoon. If I put something on your spoon you will dump it off. You then pick up the food with your hand and put it back on your spoon.
- You held my cheeks in your hands and kissed me.
- You have a Doc McStuffins pillow. I laid you down on the pillow and you sat up and flipped it over because Doc was upside down. You did the same thing when Doc was facing the bed and the blank side was up.
- Candy= nan-nee
- I pulled out hot dogs to get ready for lunch and you raised your hands and said "Meee!"
- I put you down for a nap and covered you up. You started whining and kicking your blanket off. You sat up, threw your stuffed animals, then grabbed your soft, pink blanket and lied down so I could cover you up with the blanket you wanted.
- You started calling Daddy by his first name. You're the only one who has done that. If you're trying to get his attention or he's going too slow you'll call him by name.
- Daddy had something and you wanted it. I was sitting on the couch with my legs up and Daddy told you to kiss my leg and you could have it. You kissed my legs lots of times. Then Daddy told you to lick my leg and you did that too.
- While walking I asked if I could hold your hand so you folded your arms so I couldn't get your hand.
- We got to church at he same time as Sister Speth. You walked right up to her and held out your hand so you could walk into church with her. After we sat down in church you walked up to Sister Speth and held up your hands so you could sit on her lap instead of with me.
- While riding in the car I tried to get your drink back from you. I held out a binkie and told you I would trade you. You said, "unh uh" then took the binkie, said "thanks," and pushed my hand away.
Their personalities are hilarious! Fun memories.